Brad Dean


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  • Web App
  • Mobile App
  • Open Source
DLToolkit.Forms.Controls - Tag Cloud (contribution)

A feature I made for the DLToolkit NuGet package for Xamarin

Xamarin NuGet OpenSource Contribution iOS Android

Go To Settings Plugin

Xamarin.iOS and Xmarin.Android NuGet package to open the OS settings page.

Xamarin NuGet OpenSource iOS Android

Hooch Status

React Native mobile app showing real time bacteria levels in the Chattahoochee river

Phone Gap Azure SQL Server Azure Web Jobs Third Party APIs Mobile App Web Site iOS Android


Xamarin.Forms mobile app with live video streaming for the IMSA racing series

Xamarin Azure Mobile App iOS Android Windows


Xamarin.Forms weather app with a great story. One of my most successful apps ever!

Xamarin Azure Mobile App iOS Android


React React Native

XFHelpers Plugin

Xamarin.Forms NuGet package with 4k downloads

Xamarin NuGet OpenSource iOS Android