Development Blog
Auto Start Chrome Dev Tools from Visual Studio
When lauching Chrome from Visual Studio I often open dev tools. So it seemed to make sense that Chrome should just automatically do this. It turns out it’s very easy to set this up.
Automate Maui build number when building and deploying
When building and publishing your Maui app you need to specify your version numbers. Here is how to keep them updated automatically every build.
XFHelpers Plugin for Xamarin (iOS, Android)
I’ve released another Xamarin NuGet package. This one provides a collection of tools that I use in every Xamarin project that I create - a base view, base viewmodel, along with some converters, and tools.
Code from GGMUG AWS Lambda talk
If you were at the GGMUG meetup last night here is the code for the functions I created when I covered the serverless API example.
Go To Settings Plugin for Xamarin (iOS, Android)
I’ve released a Xamarin plugin on Nuget that provides a way to take users to the settings page for your application for iOS and Android. This can be useful if users have declined permissions and now need to go to the settings page to manually enable these permissions.
Xamarin Remote Notifications
If you’re following the Azure Notifications Hub documentation you’ve probably used this for your iOS notification message:
Xamarin vs Phone Gap at Xamarin University
Xamarin invited Magenic’s mobile lead, Kevin Ford, to be a guest speaker at Magenic University to present the Xamarin vs Phone Gap White Paper that Kevin Ford, Ken Ross, and I created. Watch a recording of it on YouTube below.
Troubleshooting AVPlayer With Xamarin On iOS
When you’re using AVPlayer with Xamarin one of the difficulties can be troubleshooting. There’s an easy way to get error notification from AVPlayer that isn’t mentioned in the Xamarin documentation.
You probably already have something similiar to this line:
Xamarin vs Phone Gap
Kevin Ford, Ken Ross, and I built an application twice (source code available at once in Xamarin and once in PhoneGap. The white paper discusses the pros and cons of each platform as well as the performance metrics we saw from each when hitting the same Azure back end.
The white paper is available here:
Hybrid App Development Using Visual Studio 2013 - Workshop at Microsoft Alpharetta
On Monday, February 23rd, Abbey Gwayambadde will be leading a session on Cordova development inside Visual Studio 2013. Sign up here:
The following Monday, March 2nd, I’ll be leading a workshop for anyone who’d like to try out Cordova development:
Microsoft Alpharetta Office 1125 Sanctuary Pkwy, Suite 300 Alpharetta, GA
Monday, March 2nd, 2015 at 7pm
Come on out and I’ll help you get your Cordova app up and running!
Microsoft Multi-Device Hybrid Apps
I gave a talk at GGMUG tonight on creating Android and iOS applications using the Microsoft Visual Studio Multi-Device Hybrid Apps framework.
Here is the source code for the application we made during the talk:
And here is the Power Point deck:
Thanks to everyone that came out!
Check For SQL Authentication Type Before Adding Users
While setting up a new team member to run a WPF app locally we ran into an error. It look about 30 minutes to realize our setup SQL script was creating a user in SQL server, but mixed mode authentication was not turned on.
To prevent having to relearn this problem again in the future we’ve added this code to our SQL script, right before the CREATE LOGIN command.
WCF Error: Could Not Register URL
When hosting WCF services from Visual Studio you may, as I recently did, come across this error:
HTTP could not register URL http://localhost:12345/Service1.svc Your process does not have access rights to this namespace (see for details.
Josephus' Circle
Here is my solution to the latest code contest from The Daily WTF Programming Praxis: Josephus’ Circle.
What I like about this solution is that it represents in code, how the problem is actually carried out in real life. The soldiers are counted off one by one.
Performance Penalty Of Recursive Calls
This recent post on The DailyWTF has brought in many comments with people providing code samples in many different languages. The post, Programming Praxis: Russian Peasant Multiplication, offers a simple coding challenge.
The challenge screams for recursion and many of the answers in the comments went this route. Of course, when we talk recursion we always have to qualify it as saying there is a performance penalty for using recursion.
Using this Russian Multiplication challenge as an example, I’ve done some testing to see how much the penalty is.
Resume Tip From Joel Spolsky
I’ve reviewed hundreds of resumes over the last few months and I’ve got to agree with Joel Spolsky’s latest resume tip:
Use VB's Powerful Format Function Through ASP
This article originally appeared on at
When creating ASP pages you can choose to use a number of scripting languages, such as VBScript, JScript, PerlScript, and even Python. While this may seem all fine and good, realize that VBScript, the most popular server-side scripting languages, is a watered-down version of VisualBasic. Think of VBScript as VB-Lite - certain things are missing.