Brad Dean

Hooch Status

Hooch Status gives real time information on the safety of using the Chattahoochee River in Atlanta. The river is, unfortunately, used as run off and can be filled with e.coli when it rains. Using scheduled Azure jobs data is pulled from USGS (for e.coli data), DarkSky (for weather data), and the Army Corp or Engineers (for dam release information). That information is then stored as JSON files which are read by the website.

I chose static JSON over an API like ASP.NET MVC because it kept the cost lower, and because the data was only changing once a day. I can update the JSON files every night and then shut down the Azure jobs without incurring any day time usage costs.

The mobile app was my first. Originally written in PhoneGap, and then ported to Ionic, and then rewritten to React Native.

What I Did
  • Created web site
  • Created mobile app
  • Wrote Azure Web Jobs
  • Setup SQL db and deployed to Azure
What Others Did
  • Bootstrap theme for the website from
  • Background graphic of the Chattahoochee River from Flickr
Tech Used
Phone Gap
SQL Server
Azure Web Jobs
Third Party APIs
Mobile App
Web Site